5 Reasons You Should Take Engagement Photos Before Your Wedding

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Engagement Photographs Before Your Wedding

5 Reasons to take engagement photos

Reason why from Omaha based wedding photographers

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  1. Tell Your Love Story

    Engagement photos allow you to present yourself as individuals, as well as a couple. Are you romantic? Playful? Fun and carefree? Meaningful places in your love story make a great backdrop. That meaningful place could be your home, the bar you met in, or the coffee shop down the street where you spend every Saturday.

  2. Get to Know Your Photographer

    Every photographer has a different shooting and directing style. Yes, directing! Most couples don’t show up all Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell. It takes a little directing to get that oh so perfect Pinterest worthy shot. You know, the one that every bride wants. As the photographer, we get a chance to get to know the dynamics of your relationship, what works and what is the most flattering for the two of you.

  3. Loosen Those Nerves

    It’s not everyday you have a camera or two pointed in your face. You’re in the hot seat when it comes to the wedding day. Engagement photos are great practice for spending time in front of the camera and being the center of attention.

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4. Photo Swag

Save the dates, guestbook, wedding website, the opportunities are endless.

5. Time Well Spent

Wedding planning can be exhausting and stressful, couples often lose site of each other during the planning. Engagement photos are unplugged and all about the two of you! A great reminder as to why you’re tying the knot.

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