Food photography

Restaurant and bar photography in Omaha and Council Bluffs

Our approach is simple: We shoot exceptional photography of food and drinks. 



People eat with their eyes. Their enjoyment of food and drinks is about more than how it tastes. It’s about how it looks. 


Our Philosophy

Stunning food and drink photos are as important to a restaurant or bar as the menu. Why? They are the first introduction to a business that a customer sees, and having amazing pictures can make the difference between whether they will stay, go, come back and – perhaps most importantly – tell their friends. 

If something is visually amazing, it is safe to assume that it also tastes amazing. Consumers know that. We collaborate with each and every client to showcase their products, whether it’s inside their restaurant or bar or at our Council Bluffs, Iowa photography studio. 

We specialize in helping clients whose vision is there, but their food and drinks need showcasing through captivating imagery. We spearhead the creative process by marrying beauty, art, business and marketing to come up with a plan that can ultimately increase the bottom line for high-end restaurants, bar and grills, coffee shops and cafes, mom-and-pop diners, pizza joints and more.  By using our technical expertise and innovative lighting methods, we can transform even the simplest dish or drink into a beautiful piece of art that is as appealing to the eye as it is the palate. 

The creatives at Mac + V (formerly known as Morrissey Photography) have experience in the restaurant industry. That background, combined with our creative vision and our commitment to understanding the needs and wants of our clients, means we know what works and what doesn’t work. 


Drink photography

cocktails in omaha and council bluffs

want to know more? drop us a line and we'll be in touch.