senior | Ellie

It's hard to believe that Ellie is a senior! We talked about going to Cedar Rapids, Ellie's home town, but decided on a "destination" senior session. So we hit up some of our favorite locations.  She had adoring fans along the way, including three wedding parties! This led to lots of laughter, whistles, and cheers.  Ellie's session had to be set around Emma's schedule, her cousin and bestie of course! Emma not only helped with lighting but brought out Ellie's beautiful smile!  We could have shot all night if the warm glow of the setting sun didn't fade so quickly.  Thanks, Ellie, for letting us capture this time in your life!  We are excited to see your adventures that lie ahead!  Machaela & Jessica

PS: I think you should come to school in Omaha. <3 Machaela (your other favorite cousin)

Machaela Clark